The trio were to appear in federal court in Alexandria Tuesday afternoon.
Browsing: Crime
State Police started a now wide-ranging probe following an inmate’s allegations of violence.
Former Penn State President Graham Spanier’s trial began Tuesday.
The defendant addressed the dead man’s family: “I will regret my decision every day of my life.”
National data show that seat-belt use is lowest in rural areas among male drivers of pickup and delivery trucks. The county has received a grant to address enforcement.
Starting salary for a sheriff’s deputy, including those in Rockbridge County, is currently $31,000.
Justin Cox-Server’s attorney says he is unlikely to serve the maximum prison sentence of 50 years.
Police found three adults unconscious in a car, with an uninjured infant in the back seat. Drug paraphernalia was also found.
The physician’s license had been suspended on obstruction-of-justice charges. It was later reinstated.
William & Mary’s iconic statue was defaced Saturday, following a Charlottesville decision to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee.