About Us

The Rockbridge Report is the only local news Web site and television broadcast for the Lexington, Buena Vista and Rockbridge community and has been since 1985.

Produced weekly by journalism students at Washington and Lee University, The Rockbridge Report seeks to provide the community with fair, accurate and accountable news coverage and in-depth analysis of local issues. While the content is produced by Washington and Lee students and overseen by their professors, The Rockbridge Report focuses on news outside of the college campus.

The Rockbridge Report newscast goes live on Comcast Channel 18 in the greater Lexington area each Thursday at 5 p.m. during the fall and winter semesters. The Rockbridge Report also produces a live 5-minute news update each Tuesday at 3 p.m.

For more information about The Rockbridge Report, please e-mail the staff at rockbridgereport@wlu.edu.

Rockbridge Report Faculty Advisors

Kevin Finch
Lead Supervisor
Assistant Prof. of Journalism & Mass Comm.



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