By Jak Krouse
Glasgow voters elected Mayor Paul Williams for another term.
With all precincts reporting, Williams beat opponent Joshua L. Fitz by about 135 votes.
“I guess I don’t mind doing whatever needs to be done. I cut a lot of grass for the town,” Williams said in an interview last month. “If I need to, I can pitch in and help public works in any way I can. I don’t have a problem getting down in the hole and pushing some dirt to fix the water pipe.”
Elsewhere in Rockbridge County, a seat on the Buffalo District Board of Supervisors, a seat on the Buffalo District School Board and the county treasurer position have all been filled.
With all precincts reporting, Lenna Ojure won the race for a seat on the school board by about 100 votes. She overtook opponent Anne Russek late in the race.
Ojure, 75, has been working in education for 18 years. She is passionate about the schools’ recent advances in career and technical education and project-based learning, she said in an interview last month.
Leslie Ayers will serve another term on the Buffalo District Board of Supervisors. She beat opponent Mack Smith by about 160 votes.
In a three-way race, Melissa A.”Missy” Whitesell won by about 360 votes for county treasurer over opponent Michele Clark. Wendy B. Gilliam said she dropped out of the race due to family issues, but still collected about 500 votes. All 18 precincts have reported for the county treasurer election.