Colin Goddard, right, a survivor of the 2007 Virginia Tech campus shootings, holds a sign advocating the tightening of gun legislation on college campuses. (AP Photo / The Roanoke Times, Matt Gentry)

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) — Gun-rights and gun-control advocates traded a few shouts and arguments during simultaneous rallies at Virginia Tech.

The Roanoke Times ( ) reports about 35 gun-rights advocates gathered Thursday to demonstrate their support for concealed-carry rights on college campuses. One of the signs they carried said: “Rapists agree, keep VT gun free.”

Some 30 feet away, 10 to 15 gun-control activists carried signs saying “No guns on campus.” That group included survivors and family members of victims of the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings.

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli said in a recent opinion that to ban legal concealed carry in campus buildings, a university’s board must pass a state regulation instead of just a policy. Virginia Tech’s Board of Visitors is expected to consider a regulation banning concealed guns from buildings and events.


Information from: The Roanoke Times,

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