Tuesday’s referendum had more than 62 percent of voters saying yes to a new way to select the Lexington School Board.
Author: johnssont23
Three of four precincts have reported results in Lexington’s City Council race, where four candidates faced off for three seats. Candidate Collette Barry-Rec appears to have been defeated.
Republican Rep. Ben Cline will hold his seat as the representative of Virginia’s 6th House District. With close to 90% of the vote in, Cline holds a 25-percentage-point advantage over Democrat Jennifer Lewis.
Residents headed to the voting booth on a pleasant Tuesday to vote on Lexington City Council candidates, the U.S. House of Representatives and a referendum to determine how Lexington’s school board will be chosen.
Trump has been trying to keep from providing his tax returns since 2019. The committee has until Nov. 10 to respond.
Trucker blockades around Brazil follow President Bolsonaro’s runoff election loss on October 30. Bolsonaro’s election-denying rhetoric is fueling the truckers.
Takeoff, a Grammy-nominated artist, was killed at a Houston bowling alley early Tuesday. Two other people were injured.
A referendum to change the selection method of the Lexington City School Board from City Council appointment to a direct election is on the ballot for Lexington voters this Election Day.
A Rockbridge Circuit Court judge has sanctioned City Attorney Jared Jenkins and Judge Christopher Russell said Jenkins is not fit to practice in Virginia.
Lexington’s police chief is counting on retention and sign-on bonuses to help make the department a competitive place to work.