The City of Lexington has increased parking enforcement after business owners complained that customers can't find parking spaces. Shop owners blame downtown workers, who leave their cars in the two-hour spaces all day. Bella Timmerding reports!
Downtown Lexington businesses report more consumers are spending, reflecting a national spike in holiday sales and local "shop small" promotions. Kate Keeley reports!
The Virginia Court of Appeals lifted the emergency stay order, which kept the remaining three giraffes at the Natural Bridge Zoo. But it’s still unclear when the animals will be transferred out of the park. Here’s the story, brought to you by Liz Trubeck!
Lexington’s local churches prepare to help the community during the holidays
1 Min Read
By Alejandra Pacheco
Lexington’s local churches organize many events and programs during the holidays to support the community. They partner with the Rockbridge Area Relief Association to collect food and clothing donations.