WASHINGTON (AP) – Vice Presidential candidates Tim Kaine and Mike Pence will appear together in a debate Oct. 4 at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia.
Ahead of their debate, though, both vice presidential candidates unsurprisingly saw their running mates as winners in last night’s first presidential debate.
Democrat Kaine says Donald Trump “looked like he was running out of gas” and Republican Pence accused Hillary Clinton of launching “an avalanche of insults” at Trump.
They appeared on morning news shows Tuesday after the first debate between Trump and Clinton.
On NBC’s “Today” show, Kaine, said he thought Trump offered few specifics on policies, adding, “I don’t think he was prepared.”
Pence countered that Trump was “focused on the issues that the American people care about.” Pence also said he thought Trump came off as an agent for change while Clinton epitomized the Washington “status quo.”